You know, moving on is never easy. In fact, it could be the most horrible step you have to take in your life. Do you remember the scene when Edward left Bella, and she cried all night with pain in her chest? That was the exact scenario of myself crying all night long and begging God to kill me because I couldn't hold on any longer to the pain. I don't know what physics or chemistry that connects the emotional pain and the physical pain, because it really hurts in the center of my chest. It feels like someone is drilling my chest and there's 50 kg sack of rice placed in it, I can't breathe. This is how hard to move on. Just so I give you the idea or a picture how it feels like.
I've tried to move on several times from the same person, but I always fail. I always end up crawling back to him. I've learned that it is because I just put an end to a chapter. But the last breakup, I didn't just put an end to a chapter, but I closed the book. And I didn't return the book in my shelf (because I know I have the tendency to get it again), but I gave it to my Creator. I told Him, "this is the story of my past, this book is now Yours. Use it in every way for Your glory."
I know my story is different from yours, but I guess the first step is to admit it. When the love is not there anymore, admit it. Stop fooling yourself and believing things inside your head. You take a deep breath, and walk away. Battle-scarred, scared and uncertain of the future as you may be, when you know in your heart this person is not the person God intended you to be, then there's no other option but to let go. Leaving the comfortable shell of a long-term relationship (well, in my case it is more like uncomfortable) is one of the scariest things a person could do. Trust me when I say: it is far, far better to live of uncertain happiness than of certain misery.
I want to encourage you, young ladies who are currently going through a heartbreak or a break-up. There is happiness on the other side of goodbye. After the pain comes the rain, and after the rain comes the sun! And before you know it, everything's coming up daisies again. Looking back for quite some time now, I was alone, lonely, sad and hurt. I remember staring at my cellphone wishing he would call or text me. There were even moments when I doubted if I made the right decision. But before I knew it, something miraculous happened. I smiled again! I laughed again! I reconnected with my true friends again and make new ones. I started to dream again and chase it! I enjoy my time, I set new goals, and realize something so incredible about myself. I am strong. I am worthy. I am deserving.
So young ladies who are nursing a broken heart, listen to this: you will smile again. You will laugh again. You will love again. You will get the groove back again. I did. Though I know in my heart I will never revisit him again, or that version of me again. I also wouldn't have missed it for the world. Because he helped me create me. Every tear, every piece of my broken heart, every ounce and every second of pain, all are colors on the canvass of my life. The failed relationship didn't define me, it helped me refine me.
And most importantly, you should give God your whole heart, give Him your whole story. In and only that way, you can begin again. I realized, if I've never been on that road, I wouldn't have something to blog about today and I might not be able to inspire and give hope to my fellow women.
I told God, "if everything I've been through means giving hope to even a single soul, then every ounce and every second of pain is all worth it."
And that's how once upon a time, a young woman named Angelique turned her break-up into a break-over. And she is now, The Kickass Woman.
Below is a link to the best moving on song I have ever heard. Here is my Heart by Out of Eden. Please listen to it, I wouldn't want you to miss this beautiful song. Please please do listen, and pay attention to the beautiful lyrics I am pasting below.
Please click here: HERE IS MY HEART by OUT OF EDEN
It's been wounded
But I'll give it all to You
If You would love me
Here's my life, if You want it
You can have it
I will give it all to You
Because You love me
I know my story is different from yours, but I guess the first step is to admit it. When the love is not there anymore, admit it. Stop fooling yourself and believing things inside your head. You take a deep breath, and walk away. Battle-scarred, scared and uncertain of the future as you may be, when you know in your heart this person is not the person God intended you to be, then there's no other option but to let go. Leaving the comfortable shell of a long-term relationship (well, in my case it is more like uncomfortable) is one of the scariest things a person could do. Trust me when I say: it is far, far better to live of uncertain happiness than of certain misery.
I want to encourage you, young ladies who are currently going through a heartbreak or a break-up. There is happiness on the other side of goodbye. After the pain comes the rain, and after the rain comes the sun! And before you know it, everything's coming up daisies again. Looking back for quite some time now, I was alone, lonely, sad and hurt. I remember staring at my cellphone wishing he would call or text me. There were even moments when I doubted if I made the right decision. But before I knew it, something miraculous happened. I smiled again! I laughed again! I reconnected with my true friends again and make new ones. I started to dream again and chase it! I enjoy my time, I set new goals, and realize something so incredible about myself. I am strong. I am worthy. I am deserving.
So young ladies who are nursing a broken heart, listen to this: you will smile again. You will laugh again. You will love again. You will get the groove back again. I did. Though I know in my heart I will never revisit him again, or that version of me again. I also wouldn't have missed it for the world. Because he helped me create me. Every tear, every piece of my broken heart, every ounce and every second of pain, all are colors on the canvass of my life. The failed relationship didn't define me, it helped me refine me.
And most importantly, you should give God your whole heart, give Him your whole story. In and only that way, you can begin again. I realized, if I've never been on that road, I wouldn't have something to blog about today and I might not be able to inspire and give hope to my fellow women.
I told God, "if everything I've been through means giving hope to even a single soul, then every ounce and every second of pain is all worth it."
And that's how once upon a time, a young woman named Angelique turned her break-up into a break-over. And she is now, The Kickass Woman.
Below is a link to the best moving on song I have ever heard. Here is my Heart by Out of Eden. Please listen to it, I wouldn't want you to miss this beautiful song. Please please do listen, and pay attention to the beautiful lyrics I am pasting below.
Please click here: HERE IS MY HEART by OUT OF EDEN
Dear Lord, are You there
Listening to my little prayer
I don't know exactly what to say
I've been told that You love me
Hear when I call
Would help me when I fall
I should let You have Your way
What I guess I'm trying to say
That I need You in my life
Cause I know I'm tired of living in the past
I'd like in to take a chance
On a change inside
I believe that Yours is one
That's going to last so
Listening to my little prayer
I don't know exactly what to say
I've been told that You love me
Hear when I call
Would help me when I fall
I should let You have Your way
What I guess I'm trying to say
That I need You in my life
Cause I know I'm tired of living in the past
I'd like in to take a chance
On a change inside
I believe that Yours is one
That's going to last so
Here's my heart, it's been brokenIt's been wounded
But I'll give it all to You
If You would love me
Here's my life, if You want it
You can have it
I will give it all to You
Because You love me
Dear Child, I'm right here
Through your worries
Through your fears
I've been waiting for you
To call My name
Oh you know, that I hear you
If you turn to Me and trust
My word is true
You will never be the same
I'm standing here to say
You need Me in your life
Cause I know that you can't make it
On your own
Oh if you would take that chance
Let Me change you deep inside
I promise you will never be alone, so
Through your worries
Through your fears
I've been waiting for you
To call My name
Oh you know, that I hear you
If you turn to Me and trust
My word is true
You will never be the same
I'm standing here to say
You need Me in your life
Cause I know that you can't make it
On your own
Oh if you would take that chance
Let Me change you deep inside
I promise you will never be alone, so
You can turn to me and know
That I am always standing by
I gave it all for you so you could have this
Gentle peace inside
I will follow you cause I believe in
Everything you are
I am your father, You are my Savior
And in the matters of the heart
I am taking yours and you are taking mine
That I am always standing by
I gave it all for you so you could have this
Gentle peace inside
I will follow you cause I believe in
Everything you are
I am your father, You are my Savior
And in the matters of the heart
I am taking yours and you are taking mine
I also attach here some of my favorite quotations that you can always read to remind you of your worth. Moving on is never an easy process, so you need a daily dose of strength along the way. I know that you can make it, tough young lady! Tell me your story of moving on, I want to hear it. :)
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I must be one lucky woman then. :) |
Trust me, it is only FAITH that will take you through. |
Oprah Winfrey is right. Winner! |
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This is my first attempt to Write on Pictures app, my life verse. |
Straight from His word. |
You have to believe that this process however hurtful this may be, brings you closer to Prince Charming. :) |
I appreciate your time. All glory to my Creator!!!
Yeah! Kickass woman!!! Chin up! We're done with all those dramas! BACK TO REALITY!!! Marami pa tayong aayusin at aasikasuhin!!! Love you! Hahaha! See you tomorrow! ;)
TumugonBurahinYes, I am so back in track! See you tom, my love! I can't wait to blog about our photoshoot adventures, SIP Team, and about our friendship. Yay! Too many thoughts. Love yah! Yung shorts ko bukas ah. God bless! :)
BurahinJe, no worries. Tapos na drama sa life ko. Bina-blog ko lang para maka-inspire ng girls going thru a heartbreak. Pero ako, wala na totally. Can't wait to see you! :)
BurahinRemember Angie this quote from Oprah:
TumugonBurahin"Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different."
I will treasure that piece of wisdom from Oprah and from you, my favorite uncle!
BurahinI always have that in my mind and in my heart whenever difficult people find their way to destroy my happiness and contentment in life. That is what I learned to define forgiveness.
TumugonBurahinLet no one ruin your happiness, Tito. You deserve to be happy! We love you! God bless you always! :)
BurahinHello Angel! Been reading your blog! Great job ha ;)